2008年7月13日 星期日

威廉‧謝納在Star Trek年會上致詞會說甚麼...

曾經也在台灣紅極一時的電視連續劇Star Trek(台視曾翻譯為《銀河飛龍》就是Star Trek之一,還是不知道我在說甚麼或是對這比台灣霹靂火、金色摩天輪長一百萬倍的連續劇有興趣的人請看這篇StarTrek新手指南),其中飾演寇克艦長的威廉‧謝納(第一代的演員),是許多星艦迷的偶像,更是他們永遠的心靈導師...應該是吧XD

"I'm not going to be remembered any more than anyone else. Maybe on the day there will be a little more fuss than, say, some guy in Poughkeepsie (New York). Fame and remembrance are so fleeting. None of us is remembered.
"Some of the great names I grew up with, five years after they were dead, no one remembered them.
"No matter what age you are, you are liable to die. But the older you get, the odds go up that it's going to be very soon. It's not going to be very long. But I'm having such a good time with the world that I live in, I don't want to go anywhere."
In his new autobiography, Up Till Now, Shatner explains how women would pretend they were being "beamed up" by the Starship Enterprise commander, shrieking: "So, this is what it's like to be in bed with Captain Kirk!"
He writes: "You can't imagine how much of a downer that is in every sense of the word."
