"I'm not going to be remembered any more than anyone else. Maybe on the day there will be a little more fuss than, say, some guy in Poughkeepsie (New York). Fame and remembrance are so fleeting. None of us is remembered.天呀,還真是豁達...他說過的妙語還不只這句,在他自傳裡頭,提到他有多討厭跟女星艦迷上床的段落也令人噴飯(原新聞連結請點這)→
"Some of the great names I grew up with, five years after they were dead, no one remembered them.
"No matter what age you are, you are liable to die. But the older you get, the odds go up that it's going to be very soon. It's not going to be very long. But I'm having such a good time with the world that I live in, I don't want to go anywhere."
In his new autobiography, Up Till Now, Shatner explains how women would pretend they were being "beamed up" by the Starship Enterprise commander, shrieking: "So, this is what it's like to be in bed with Captain Kirk!"威廉呀威廉,看來不把你當心靈導師真的很難喔,因為你實在令人印象太深刻了;P
He writes: "You can't imagine how much of a downer that is in every sense of the word."